Dear Instructors and Fellow Aikidoka
The annual Canadian Aikido Federation Summer Camp will be hosted this year by The Nova Scotia Aikido Federation. All Aikido students, regardless of level and affiliation, are welcome.
Class Dates: Saturday June 17 – Friday, June 23, 2017
Registration: Summer Camp 2017 Registration Form
Location: Saint Mary’s University, 923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS
Testing for Yudansha Grades: Testing Information Details
Featuring: Osawa Shihan
CAF Shihan
Payment received by May 15: Full Seminar $350.00, $50.00 daily.
Payment received after May 15: Full Seminar $420.00, $60.00 daily.
We have reserved a block of various types of residence rooms. Daily rates are:
Single room $56.95
Double room $99.95
Travel suite $72.95
Three bedroom apartments $142.95 These are not equipped with kitchenware or dishes
Rates include taxes, full cafeteria breakfast, parking, internet and gym pass for other activities.
Please register for residence accommodation directly with SMU by calling 1-888-347-5555 (or email ) referencing Aikido Summer Camp to be located in our block of rooms.
Rooms may be viewed at
Our block of rooms will be released to the public on May 16, 2017.
Please book you rooms before then.
Detailed instructions for testing can be found on this page Testing for Yudansha Grades
Halifax Stanfield International Airport is approximately thirty minutes from downtown Halifax. Metro Transit and a variety of taxi and limo services are readily available to Downtown.
We look forward to seeing you in Halifax and treating you to Atlantic Canadian hospitality.
Best regards,
David Humphreys
To register for Summer Camp 2017 in Halifax, click here: Summer Camp 2017 Registration Form