Canadian Aikido Federation



CAF Examination Committee

The names of the current Examination Committee members are listed below by location. The following sections are intended to inform you about the mission and organization of the Canadian Aikido Federation Examination Committee. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please contact the Examination Committee Chair: 


CAF Group Insurance (members only) One of the benefits of belonging to the CAF is our group insurance coverage.  We have a General Liability policy with “Markel Canada Limited”.  An insurance coverage policy document is available to registered CAF Dojos only by contacting the CAF Secretary. Note:  This service is provided to CURRENT members and dojos only.  If your fees are in arrears you have no insurance coverage. Note:  It is important to register students as they join the dojo throughout the year.  New students are not covered by the CAF group policy until their CAF registration fee has been paid. Certificate of Insurance A Certificate of Insurance is available by contacting the CAF Secretary, who will send to you a statement that certifies that a named dojo and its activities at a particular location are insured.  This may be a requirement when attempting to rent a dojo facility.  You must make a request to obtain a certificate; the CAF Office will not order this for you without a request. Insurance Coverage and CAF Approval for Local Dojo Seminars As long as CAF approval has been obtained and documented in advance, local dojo seminarshosted by registered CAF dojos are covered by the CAF’s annual insurance policy. In order to obtain CAF approval, local hosting dojos need to complete this form at least one month before the seminar: CAF approval will normally be given if the answers to questions 10 to 12 are all Yes; otherwise, dojos will need to secure their own coverage terms directly from the insurance company.


CAF Documents

Below is a list of current policy, directive and other documents of the CAF.
Several of the documents are currently available in English only.


Below is a list of current bylaw documents of the CAF.
Several of the documents are currently available in English only. 


CAF Administrative Items

Below is a list of current administrative documents of the CAF.
One or more of the documents are currently available in English only.

AGM Minutes EN

You must be an Active student to access these pages.
Please contact your Dojo Administrator or the CAF Secretary.



Data can now be entered directly on each Hombu form.

Please note that to do this, you must first download the forms and then access them on your local computer. Once you have finished entering the fields, you can print the forms and sign them.

To ensure maximum readability for Hombu staff in Tokyo, please type your data entries (no handwritten entries please).