Canadian Aikido Federation

Bill Collins

Bill Collins


Biographical Summary

  • Aikido pioneer, more than 50 years practicing and teaching aikido, first Canadian to receive aikido shodan in Canada.
  • Received shodan in 1968, rokudan in 2011.
  • Co-founder of Toronto Aikikai along with Bruce Stiles and Henry Kono.
  • Taught at Toronto Aikikai, JCCC Aikikai, Toronto Beaches Aikikai (home dojo), Aikido Shugyo Dojo.
  • Traveled to Hombu Dojo several times; trained with Kisshomaru Ueshiba Doshu and numerous shihan: Takeshi Kimeda, Koichi Tohei, Morihiro Saito, Sadateru Arikawa, Yoshimitsu Yamada, Mitsunari Kanai, Kazuo Chiba, Yukio Kawahara, Seiichi Sugano, Akira Tohei.
  • Taught and demonstrated aikido across Canada and in USA, South Africa, Canary Islands and Bermuda.


  • First CAF president, 2 terms.
  • Instituted CAF’s first series of policies and constitution in collaboration with other CAF executives.
  • Ontario Aikido Federation president, multiple terms.
  • Canada’s representative to the International Aikido Federation (IAF) in 1980.
  • Demonstrated aikido for Amnesty International, Aikido Expo Toronto.

Personal Philosophy

  • Aikido is self defence, not fighting. Only once you have learned the self defence aspect of aikido can you begin to understand the message of aikido. Aikido does not teach you how to fight, it teaches you how to move your body in case you need to defend yourself.
  • Aikido technique is like a roof, if there is a single tiny hole then the water will seep in; that is why you must always work to perfect your aikido technique.
  • There is aikido and aikido technique, they are different. One can have excellent aikido but poor technique. Aikido happens after you have forgotten all the techniques you have been taught.
  • If you focus on precision, you will eventually come to technique, but if you only focus on technique you will never be precise.
  • You must always think about aikido and not just practice. If you don’t think about what you are doing, your practice will be useless.