With deep regret the CAF Board of Directors has made the decision to cancel the 2020 CAF Sumer Camp. It was a difficult decision to make, but it was the best choice to make to respond with an abundance of caution for our CAF community in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic emergency.
Our Board is unanimous in our opinion this was shaping up to be one of our best Summer Camps. There was a great team all working to make everyone welcome for the training as well as a celebration of Canada’s birthday during the camp.
I’d like to pay special thanks to the following:
David Humphreys, Ted Yoshioka and the members of the Halifax Aikikai and Antigonish Aikikai for volunteering to host the Camp and all the planning and logistics they’ve done.
Dave Wiener, our webmaster, for all the work and updates on the website.
Michelle Lapointe for all the French translation to help keep us united across Canada.
Adrian Iliescu and Penny Ross for all the work arranging the bursary students that were going to attend the camp.
To the CAF Board, Committee leads and close associates who provided so much advice and assistance.
Further information on the CAF AGM for 2020 will be forthcoming. For now, I wish for everyone to be healthy and to isolate and find ways to care for each other.
Dan Jones, President CAF