Canadian Aikido Federation

2020 CAF Summer Camp – Cancellation Notice

With deep regret the CAF Board of Directors has made the decision to cancel the 2020 CAF Sumer Camp. It was a difficult decision to make, but it was the best choice to make to respond with an abundance of caution for our CAF community in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic emergency. Our Board is unanimous in our opinion this was shaping up to be one of our best Summer Camps. There was a great team all working to make everyone welcome for the training as well as a celebration of Canada’s birthday during the camp. I’d like to pay special thanks to the following:
  • David Humphreys, Ted Yoshioka and the members of the Halifax Aikikai and Antigonish Aikikai for volunteering to host the Camp and all the planning and logistics they’ve done.
  • Dave Wiener, our webmaster, for all the work and updates on the website.
  • Michelle Lapointe for all the French translation to help keep us united across Canada.
  • Adrian Iliescu and Penny Ross for all the work arranging the bursary students that were going to attend the camp.
  • To the CAF Board, Committee leads and close associates who provided so much advice and assistance.
Further information on the CAF AGM for 2020 will be forthcoming. For now, I wish for everyone to be healthy and to isolate and find ways to care for each other. Dan Jones, President CAF