A commencé l’aïkido avec Richard Ostrofsky Sensei au YMCA du centre-ville de Montréal. Il est ensuite devenu élève au Dojo Kensankai d’aïkido d’Ishiyama Sensei (à l’École d’arts martiaux Shidokan de Montréal) pendant deux ans avant qu’Ishiyama Sensei n’invite Kawahara Sensei au Canada pour qu’il prenne en charge son dojo et commence à promouvoir l’aïkido au Canada. A aidé Ishiyama Sensei à préparer les documents d’immigration et à prendre les dispositions nécessaires pour le logement de Kawahara Sensei en 1976. A joué un rôle important en aidant Kawahara Sensei à s’installer et à se sentir chez lui au Canada. L’a suivi à Vancouver en 1978, a étudié de près avec lui en tant que maître enseignant à Vancouver Aikikai (au Centre communautaire de Renfrew). A enseigné l’aïkido à Abbotsford dans les années 1980, puis a ouvert le New Westminster Aikikai tout en poursuivant ses études avec Kawahara Sensei pendant de nombreuses années. Promu shodan en 1977, il a ensuite atteint successivement d’autres grades, devenant 6e dan en 2007. A participé à diverses démonstrations publiques avec Kawahara Sensei, voyageant beaucoup avec lui et développant une étroite amitié. A assisté à tous les camps d’été du BC et du CAF enseignés par Kawahara Sensei, demeurant l’un de ses élèves les plus fidèles et les plus dévoués pendant 35 ans jusqu’au décès de ce dernier en 2011.
Practiced and taught aikido for over 40 years. Assisted and worked closely with Kawahara Sensei for over three decades. Often invited to instruct at seminars and summer camps in BC. Was a regular guest instructor at annual spring and fall seminars hosted by Ishiyama Sensei in Vancouver and participated in kyu and dan tests for over three decades. Highly respected for his powerful and graceful aikido and his tireless dedication to his students and Kawahara Sensei’s mission of promoting aikido in Canada.
Travelled with Kawahara Sensei to Osaka and Tokyo (including meetings with Doshu), participated in aikido classes and a demonstration led by Kawahara Sensei while in Japan.
A founding member of the British Columbia Aikido Federation, assisted Ishiyama Sensei in developing and formally establishing the BCAF in 1984 with Kawahara Sensei as its official technical director. Totally committed to expanding the BCAF and solidifying Kawahara Sensei’s leadership role in BC and across Canada. Played a significant role in Kawahara Sensei being recognized and honoured as a true traditional master of aikido in Canada and around the world.
Invited to become a founding member of the CAF Examination Committee in 2012, served as a valued member for seven years until semi-retirement. His supportive contribution over the years was highly recognized and appreciated by all committee members.
Personal Philosophy
Thoroughly adept at the basic forms, often taught well beyond the basics with high expectations of inculcating students with the essence of aikido.
It is essential that uke react instantly and instinctively, reading nage’s intent. Aikido at its best relies on very natural movements; uke should not experience any force but still sense nage’s ki dominating the situation. This way uke will also react in a fluid and natural manner without resistance.
Through dedicated training and practice on and off the mat, in weapons and in aikido forms, one develops the essence of aikido.
His focus and awareness of everything around him was phenomenal. Projecting a very natural but exceptional martial presence, he could thus master every situation.