COVID-19 Notice


Important COVID-19 Notice from the Canadian Aikido Federation – 22 March 2022

The Canadian Aikido Federation cannot guarantee that participants in any aikido activities or CAF events will not become infected with COVID-19. Furthermore, participating in these events could increase the risk to participants of contracting COVID-19 or any other contagious disease.

The CAF is not mandating any vaccination or masking requirements at this time and will continue to monitor developments and local health authority guidelines going forward. The CAF reserves the right to respond appropriately should circumstances subsequently change, including the cancellation of any event if deemed necessary.

However, dojo owners, operators, landlords and/or local aikido event co-ordinators may have their own COVID-19 policies and may therefore require participants to comply with those local guidelines.

The global pandemic is far from over and there is still considerable risk and uncertainty due to a number of still-evolving factors including, but not limited to, rising infection rates in other parts of the world, new and highly transmissible COVID-19 variants, and the lifting of all or most COVID-19 restrictions by various provincial health authorities in Canada this spring.

In deciding whether or not to register for any CAF event, participants* must carefully consider the inherent and potential risks in the context of their own personal social situations, risk-tolerance thresholds and comfort levels, and acknowledge and respect that these may vary considerably among other participants.

By registering for any CAF event, participants* take full personal and legal responsibility for their decision to take part, and forever indemnify and release the CAF from any and all liability related, but not limited to, injury, illness and infection, including COVID-19.

As always, and whatever each individual decides, let us remain respectful, open-minded and inclusive in all our interactions with others both on and off the mat.

The CAF Board of Directors

* or if under 18 years of age, their guardian(s)


COVID-19 Information Websites

Gov’t of Canada Outbreak Update
Gov’t of British Columbia
BC Centre for Disease Control – COVID-19
Gov’t of Alberta
Alberta Health Services COVID-19
Gov’t of Ontario COVID-19
Ontario Public Health COVID-19
Gov’t of Québec
Québec Health Services
Aikido Journal – COVID-19
Association for Applied Sport Psychology – COVID-19 Tips Blog