Shudokan Karate, 5125 Harvester Rd (across from the Appleby GO)
Burlington, ON
Horaire du Séminaire :
May 4, 2025
2:00 – 6:00
Four classes of 55 minutes each
Tarifs :
Training Fee
For more information please contact
Inscription pour le stage :
Registration at door.
Will there be Dan testing?
Any and all seminar activities will take place on our standard dojo premises, i.e., where our regular aikido classes are usually held or a rented facility (gymnasium, etc.) suitable for an aikido practice.
Liability waivers must be completed by all participants. Will participants complete electronic waivers (online registration form) or hard-copy waivers? / All participants must complete a liability waiver. Will participants complete electronic waivers (online registration form) or hard-copy waivers?
I hereby confirm that no alcohol or drugs will be consumed on the premises at any time before, during or after the event.