Canadian Aikido Federation



‘Shihan’ or ‘Master Instructor’ is the highest honourific title in Aikido. This title is granted by the Aikikai Foundation (Hombu Dojo) at the request of a recognized organization such as the CAF, and it applies only within the organization.

A ‘Shihan’ is an Aikidoka of at least 6th Dan, who has been at that rank for a minimum of 6 years, and who has been a shidoin for at least two years. For a more complete description of the requirements please refer to CAFDoc_34-E_CAF Technical Policy v09(pdf).

The names of the current Shihan in the CAF are listed below by location.

CAF Shihan List

Shidoin System Summary

A ‘Shidoin’ is an Aikidoka of at least 4th Dan, who is selected by the CAF in conjunction with the CAF Technical Director and Provincial Associations to act as a mentor/teacher for dojos.  The purpose of the Shidoin system is to provide mentoring from senior teachers to dojos, and to help provide CAF dojos with a more consistent technical foundation.  More details about the Shidoin system, its reasons for being created and the specific duties of Shidoin are provided in the CAF Shidoin Terms of Reference
(CAFDoc_34-E_CAF Technical Policy v09(pdf)).

Please also view this letter of introduction of the Shidoin system to the CAF Dojos.

The names of the current Shidoin in the CAF are listed below by location.

CAF Shidoin ‘A’ List

CAF Shidoin ‘B’ List



Steve Erickson

AB Kevin Ellwood
AB Kenji Yoshimi
AB Gerald Hilchie
AB Bill Heron

AB Dzung Nguyen

AB Hideji Ono
BC Peter Helmer
BC Pat Olson
BC Bob Moline

BC Hilary Dawson

BC Liz McKinlay

BC Bruce Riddick
BC John Petersen
BC Michael Smorhay
BC Robert Vander Zalm
BC Zoran Krunic
BC Kim Riddick

NF Ivan Booth
NS Peter MacLean

NS Paul MacLean
NS Tom Hackman
NS David Humphreys
ON Rob Carroll

ON David Yates
ON Paul Sunn
ON Denis Dias
ON John Foster
ON Adrian Iliescu


Ben Peacock


Marcel Lavigne


David Mooney

QC Michelle Lapointe
SK Don Ragush

Procedures for Contacting Shidoin

Dojos that wish to contact a Shidoin for training advice or assistance may contact them directly through the email addresses provided above, or through the Shidoin’s Dojo contact information as provided on the CAF Dojo web page.

Shidoin positions are voluntary and availability of Shidoin assistance is subject to the schedules and personal preferences of each Shidoin.

Arrangements to reimburse Shidoin for costs incurred for travel and accommodation are the responsibility of the Dojo requesting assistance.  It is expected that Shidoin will not be out-of-pocket for costs incurred to provide assistance to a Dojo.  Any honorariums or fees charged to conduct seminars or workshops is at the discretion of each Shidoin and should be confirmed by the Dojo when making their plans.

CAF Policies Concerning Shidoin and Seminars

Click on the title of any policy to open that document.

CAF dojos that request a visit of a Shidoin to their dojo may be eligible for a travel subsidy.

This Policy is intended to provide direction to all CAF dojos for the signing of Yudansha Books at seminars being taught by a Shidoin rather than a Shihan.